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Accelerating defence innovation

We are operating a defence innovation accelerator program and venture studio on behalf of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Getting products battle tested and ready for deployment at scale


The Accelerator Program is open to teams from all nations that have built a (minimum viable) product ready for use. ​


  • Undergo rapid evaluation under real life conditions

  • Receive direct feedback from and collaboration with Armed Forces of Ukraine to get product ready for deployment

  • Obtain pre-qualification for defence procurement processes and foreign military assistance programs

  • Receive venture capital investment for fielding and product development 

Venture Studio

Empowering innovators to transform their idea into a minimum viable product


Venture Studio is open to teams currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as well as outside innovators from all nations.


  • Obtain early evaluation of and feedback about your idea by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • Get feedback and support by defence innovation experts

  • Benefit from mentoring by experienced entrepreneurs and veterans

  • Gain access to grants and venture capital investments to build a minimum viable product


Make a donation

Every donation will be used to empower innovators to advance the technologies needed to protect Ukraine


Donations will be made to the Digital Transformation Institute, a non-profit organisation under Ukrainian law.

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